Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) | Tunnel, China
Hongkong, Kina

Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), China

  • longest underwater tunnel in the world, almost 45 m below sea level
  • part of the 35 km long road connection between Hong Kong and Macao/Zhuhai in the area of the approach path to the Hong Kong International Airport Chep Lap Kop.
  • construction period:  2012 to 2015
  • tunnel length: 6 km

China Communications Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC)

  • ##project.benefits.item.headline##
    production of the bottom plate, outer walls and slabs without ties
  • ##project.benefits.item.headline##
    industrial production of the individual tunnel segments
  • ##project.benefits.item.headline##
    exact implementation of the project requirements


Bilder fra prosjektprosessen


Lin Ming
Project Director
PERI have impressed us not only with their technical competence and enormous project experience, but also with the high degree of efficiency and ability to cooperate closely with us. We would like to thank the PERI project team for their superb realisation of this unique project.

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